Monday, 25 May 2009

don't forget

some days ago a huge envelope arrived home! when i opened it, i was pleased to find out that i was been sent the t shirt you see me wearing above with the message "don't forget". For more than a week now, you could and-still can- see the message "be an ally" under my header! now it's time to explain everything!

Fashion targets breast cancer began in 1994 as the U.S fashion industry's response to breast cancer. Inspired by Ralph Lauren in memory of his late friend Nina Hyde, The Washington Post columnist who died of breast cancer, the campaign became an ongoing initiative of the CFDA Foundations-the philanthropic division of the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA).

Fashion targets breast cancer Hellas joined the global trend in June 2001!
This year at 26th of June, all women will wear their target t-shirts and declare for one more time a future without the fear of breast cancer. What all you can do, is not only wear the t-shirt at the 26th but also make orders now for your friends,family and colleges. with orders of more than 10 tshirts you get the chance to receive target gifts. After you receive the t-shirts you can gather up for a photograph of you and your friends wearing the target tee's and by sending that pic to, your pic will be shown at the site! You can enter the site for further info! Exciting isn't it?

Greek fashion bloggers support the cause and with the photo above I'm showing you 2 ways i chose to wear the t-shirt!

(trivia fact:except the 3 target pics, all other pics shown hanging on the wall are actually hanging on my bedroom wall),


  1. cooooooooool!!! you rocked it!!! seems I am the last one with lopi!!!

  2. cuuuute!

    latrevo ta heels stn triti foto...

    (nomizo pos ime i moni pou dn exi to tee afto akoma..hmmm)

  3. ohhhhh you ve read the book??? rare thing... I appreciate you a bit more now... :P (not that I didnt)...:D

  4. thanks for your twitter link!!!!
    ...Sorry but I don't understand the Greek buttons...

    Kisse G

  5. i really like the white ballarinas !!!



My photo
fashion lover but most of all style seeker